
Release Candidate for PHP 8.2 on Sulserv Servers

It’s that time again! Time for the Santa ElePHPant to visit all the good little PHP developers around the world and shower them with new goodies that make it easier for them to build the web As of this writing, PHP 8.2 is in Release Candidate 1 (RC1) status. We are in the late stages of development and bug fixing for this version and you […]


Differences Between Shared and VPS Hosting: Which One is For You?

Even the best intentions can result in less-than-ideal outcomes. When you don’t have the full picture, the unexpected can happen — and it’s usually not good. Baking a cake, for example, requires a certain attention to detail. Knowing your options for web hosting will help avoid half-baked results when it comes to setting up your website. Whether you are redesigning your site or putting it together for the […]


5 Best WordPress Plugins for Restaurants

We’ve curated a few for you to try. Take a look at these restaurant plugins below. 1. Restaurant Menu Restaurant Menu is a three-in-one solution for your restaurant business. The user-friendly interface offers a restaurant menu, online ordering, and reservation booking system. Plus, you don’t need coding experience to add these cool features. The WordPress plugin includes a drag-and-drop online menu editor. You can upload custom […]


What is Email Segmentation & How Does It Work?

What exactly is email segmentation? You may have run into the term when you set up your email marketing tools or even on this blog while trying to figure out how to use your email list. It’s pretty simple: Email segmentation means sorting your subscriber list into different groups, aka segments. Then you can tailor your marketing messages to each segment, so your customers are more likely to act on […]


7 Reasons Why Every eCommerce Site Needs a Blog

Why do we say this, when we know you already have so much to do as an online business owner? Because blogging—good content on a regular schedule—can help you grow your business in at least seven different ways. 1. Blog posts can improve your store’s SEO The past couple of years have seen more businesses moving into eCommerce. Lots of local brick-and-mortar stores, retail chains, […]


VPS vs. Dedicated Server How to Pick Your Better Option

As your business or creative projects take off, you may outgrow your current hosting plan. Maybe your e-commerce site is so popular that it needs more server resources than your shared hosting plan provides. Maybe your web design business needs more sandbox space to put up test sites for your clients. Or your hosting reseller business is blowing up and you’re ready for the next level. Do You Need VPS Hosting? A VPS might be your best […]


How to Find & Fix Your 404 Pages

Step 1: Find Your Current Broken Links There are a number of tools designed specifically to help website owners quickly and easily identify all the broken links that are serving 404 errors on a website. Better yet, many of them are free. A few of your top options are: Use a Free Broken Link Checker A number of websites provide free tools for finding broken […]


What is a VPN and How Does it Work?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Essentially, a VPN creates a private and secure network, which then extends across your entire network connection. It offers you a way to remain anonymous online, while securing any data that passes over the connection. Before any data passes over a network connection first it’ll pass through the VPN. The VPN will then encrypt the traffic and pass it […]


When Should I Use VPS Hosting?

VPS is a common next step after your site has outgrown the limits of a basic shared hosting plan. It’s a nice in-between for those who don’t want to upgrade to a fully dedicated server but can no longer use shared hosting. So, what is VPS hosting used for? Take a look at the situations below: You need speed and performance. If your site is growing in […]

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