
How to Find & Fix Your 404 Pages

Step 1: Find Your Current Broken Links There are a number of tools designed specifically to help website owners quickly and easily identify all the broken links that are serving 404 errors on a website. Better yet, many of them are free. A few of your top options are: Use a Free Broken Link Checker A number of websites provide free tools for finding broken […]


What is a VPN and How Does it Work?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Essentially, a VPN creates a private and secure network, which then extends across your entire network connection. It offers you a way to remain anonymous online, while securing any data that passes over the connection. Before any data passes over a network connection first it’ll pass through the VPN. The VPN will then encrypt the traffic and pass it […]


When Should I Use VPS Hosting?

VPS is a common next step after your site has outgrown the limits of a basic shared hosting plan. It’s a nice in-between for those who don’t want to upgrade to a fully dedicated server but can no longer use shared hosting. So, what is VPS hosting used for? Take a look at the situations below: You need speed and performance. If your site is growing in […]



However, they each refer to two very different types of services Essentially, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a form of web hosting, while a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service and technology that allows you to remain completely private and anonymous when using the web. Mixing up these two terms can be confusing, especially when you’re just starting your journey online. What is a VPS? Before […]

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